Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Wednesday!  

Today finds me, so far, with a headache.  But I am determined to get rid of it so I can bake something.  Maybe I just need something sweet to feel better.

I shall leave you with close-ups of my favourite: Maple Bacon Cake Pops!

~enjoy "The Sweet Life"

Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Friday!

Today I'm baking tons for a party we're catering tomorrow.  I've got an order of Lemoncello Bars, Lemon Lemoncello Cupcakes, Orange Supreme Cupcakes, & I might make another batch as a surprise.  Pictures will follow as soon as everything is done & decorated!

It occurs to me that I am hungry...always happens when I bake.  

...cupcakes might make a good breakfast.
